The waist shaper
A one of a kind package designed to shape and reduce your waistline, using a mix of our technologies, we will help you create a slimmer, smoother waist.
You will receive a full cryolypolosis (fat freeze) (2-4 cups) followed by a tummy and sides Hifu treatment, and finally a Laser lipo cavitation, each treatment works in a different way, and by using all four technologies, we can cover more area and achieve a far better result than with just one!
Please allow at least 3 hours.
Package Price : £850

The thigh buster
A multi platform treatment, exclusive to us!
Designed to reduce circumference, reduce cellulite and smooth and tighten to skin.
You will start with Cryolipolosis (fat freeze) followed by a full back, front and sides Hifu cool treatment (2 depths) , and then a Lipo laser pulse treatment, and finally cavitation, These hard hitting technologies will continue to deliver improvement for many weeks after treatment.
Please allow at least 3 hours
Package Price : £850

The bingo wing beater
A multi platform treatment, exclusive to us!
Designed to reduce circumference, reduce cellulite and smooth and tighten the skin.
You will start with Cryolipolosis (fat freeze) followed by a Hifu cool treatment, and then a Lipo laser pulse treatment, and finally cavitation, These hard hitting technologies will continue to deliver improvement for many weeks after treatment.
Please allow at least 3 hours
Package Price : £500